Blackmagic Design router professional broadcast. The complete family of routers and switchers for quality video transmission up to size 288 x 288
Universal Videhub Remote Cable is useful for a remote control for your scalable solution:Universal videohub 72
Universal Videohub 800 watt power supply is the power board for our scalable Universal Videohub 288
Universal Videohub 450 watt power supply is the power board for our scalable Universal videohub 72
Universal Videohub 288 Crosspoint is the ideal solution for the user who wants to build their own router to router interface cards
Blackmagic Universal Videohub Optical fiber Interface is a scalable solution components of the
The Universal Videohub offers the ability to build your own router with both BNC SDI and optical fiber SDI. It ships unpopulated, without any cards plugged in so you can build the router however you want.
Broadcast Universal Videohub SDI Interface is one of the components of this solution Videohub scalable
Universal Videohub 72 Crosspoint
Blackmagic Design Videohub Universal 72 comes unplugged
Blackmagic Design Videohub Smart Controlis a control panel allowing for easier use, it's low cost so it's easy to add Videohub Smart Control under all your equipment
Blackmagic Design Smart Videohub router router suitable for confined spaces such as truck direction with 12x12 - 20x20 - 40x40 SDI routing, standard auto-detect SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 6 Gbps SDI re-cloking.